Bakugan is a popular anime created in Japan in 2007. It was first broadcast in France on TF1 and quickly gained popularity with children and teenagers.
Bakugan is set in an alternative world called Vestroia. It follows the adventures of Dan and Shun as they travel to the new Vestroia to rescue the Bakugan from the invading Vestals. They then meet other Bakugan fighters, Mira, Ace and Baron, who have become their allies in protecting Vestroia.
One of the most interesting aspects of Bakugan is the presentation of the characters. Each of them has his or her own personality, skills, objectives and motivations, making them interesting and endearing to viewers.
In the case of Dan, the main character and leader of the Bakugan fighters, he’s a very brave twelve-year-old boy who’s always on the lookout for adventure. He’s very friendly and never hides his emotions. On the combat side, Dragonoid Pyrus, master of powers, is Dan’s Bakugan guardian.
Have you noticed that your child loves to color? Enhance his skills with a Bakugan coloring book. Choose and download the coloring template that inspires you from our wide selection of Bakugan coloring pages.