Children coloring pages

Black Cat coloring pages

Black Cat is a young teenager who transforms himself into a human superhero cat. She’s a popular animated character created by Thomas Astruc in 2015 in the animated series ” Miraculous: The Adventures of Ladybug and Black Cat”.

Better known as Adrien Agreste at school, he’s the teammate of superheroine Ladybug. The two support each other in their adventures and do everything in their power to counter the Black Butterfly’s attacks on the city of Paris.

As the show’s main character, Chat Noir is a highly charismatic and courageous superhero who attracts viewers’ attention with his sense of humor and determination.

In addition to his endearing personality, he also offers a positive message to young people. Indeed, Adrien Agreste never stops encouraging his friends to believe in themselves and do good around them.

If your little one loves the “Miraculous : Les aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir” series, rekindle his passion with our wide selection of free Black Cat coloring pages! Choose the model that captivates you from our catalog and offer it to your child.